Resultados: 6

O trabalho feminino e a maternidade: revisão integrativa

Objetivo: identificar as evidências disponíveis na literatura acerca da temática: impacto da maternidade nas condições de trabalho feminino. Método: revisão integrativa realizada nas bases: PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL e no metabuscador SciELO com o termo “Women, workin...

Patient safety: perception of family members of hospitalized children

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (5), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to know the meaning attributed by family members to the health safety of pediatric patients, with attention to the possibilities of their collaboration. Methods: this qualitative study was conducted with eighteen family members of children hospitalized in a pediatric unit, from Jan...

School experience of the child and adolescent with visual impairment: family experience

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (supl.3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the experience of families about school experiences of children and adolescents with visual impairment. Method: a qualitative study developed through the Symbolic Interactionism and narrative research. Data were collected through a semi-structured recorded interview, w...

Trajectory of adaptations done by families of children and teenagers with low vision

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the experience of families of children and adolescents with visual impairment with an emphasis on the adaptations made in daily life. Method: qualitative, research, which used as a theoretical reference the Symbolic Interactionism and analysis of narrative as method. D...

Criança com transtorno do espectro autista: cuidado na perspectiva familiar

Objective: To know the experience of the family in the care of the child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and to discuss possibilities of health care. Method: Descriptive research with qualitative approach, carried out with 15 families of children with ASD, living in two municipalities in the interio...

Interações entre profissionais de saúde e mães de prematuros: influência no cuidado materno

Rev. enferm. UERJ; 24 (1), 2016
Objetivo: compreender as interações da mãe com os profissionais de saúde desde o nascimento da criança pré-termo até o primeiro mês após a alta hospitalar. Método: pesquisa qualitativa sob os referenciais do Interacionismo Simbólico e Interacionismo Interpretativo, desenvolvido em 2013, que te...